Internationalization Bugs
Voo2do has some bugs that are especially frustrating to our international users. Fixing these is a high priority right now; I hope to have fixes applied in the next day or two. Non-English characters:...
View ArticleVoo2do Russian Review
The Inforedesign blog, a Russian blog on (as far as I can tell) web design, has a mention of voo2do and a few comments. One of them is from someone who also emailed me to ask about voo2do’s problems...
View ArticleNumerous Bugs Fixed
Oh, joyous day! Several bugs that have been inconveniencing voo2do users have been fixed, and are now live at the site. Note: To make sure you have the latest changes, click your browser’s reload...
View ArticleImproving Voo2do Reliability
Over the past few days, the server that powers voo2do has been plagued by responsiveness and stability problems. I believe these have been caused not by voo2do itself, but by another application I...
View ArticleVoo2do’s to-dos
Here’s the current table of todo tasks for voo2do itself. The number in [square braces] indicates how many people have emailed me asking for this feature. Feel free to take a look and let me know if...
View ArticleCan you help me fix cookie problems with
A handful of users have reported problems staying logged into They are prompted for the user name and password and enter those correctly, but then get this message: - Cookies must be...
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